I am one very very interesting person to get to know cos' i talk to anyone and I mean anyone who is interested to make a conversation with me.
I am very motivated and always look towards the positive outcomes. i am different that anyone out there. I love to read about motivation and self-development
books. I am malay but i don't play soccer. I dream big and I am working hard towards it. Do not only like people but LOVES people.
I love to inspire and also be inspired. Colours follow my mood but usually i like grey cos' i cant decide between black and white. So, do tag as you may cos'you might never know that our friendship
will last to eternity.
My hopes and dreams
.An expensive sports car by 25
.Generating ahugepassive income.
.Change @ least a person's life.
.Moitvate others with my own motivation seminar.
.Pay everything for my family .
.Success in business(be my own boss).
.Die peacefully.
.Work with animals.
.Bring my whole family to UMRAH all being paid by me.
.Be like Anthony Robbins.
.Be the best that i can be at any moment in time.